Accountability Hotline

Holding the D.C. government accountable


ODCA’s Accountability Hotline gives D.C. residents and government employees an easy, confidential  way to report misconduct, waste, fraud, or abuse in any District of Columbia government facility or department. Your reports will be taken seriously and responded to in a timely manner, and will not only serve the public interest, but help the D.C. government meet high standards of public accountability.

Each submission will be reviewed by a senior member of the ODCA staff. You may be contacted for additional information. Please be assured that ODCA takes its independence and impartiality very seriously; we will not rely solely on assertions by agency management as to the merit or validity of your complaint.

ODCA may work with other agencies to respond to certain kinds of reports. For example, those involving allegations of fraud may be referred to the D.C. Office of the Inspector General, who has authority to investigate acts of criminal fraud.

We promise and guarantee:

  • While you are encouraged to assist ODCA by providing your name and information on how you can be contacted for additional information, you may remain anonymous. Individuals who visit this website are not tracked. All information provided will be protected to the maximum extent of the law, including our assurance that we will not notify your supervisor or your agency that you have made this complaint.
  • No retaliation. DC Code is clear that a government supervisor may not retaliate against an employee for reporting information to ODCA. If you fear retaliation against you for making a whistleblower report, please let us know.

What to include in your complaint?  Whether you call, email, or submit your information through this website, provide as much detail as possible about the misconduct, waste, fraud, or abuse. Include: who, what, when, where, how, dates, names, location, amounts, and witnesses. Also, provide any documentation to support your complaint.

How to submit a complaint:

  • Submit an electronic form
  • Send an email to
  • Contact us directly:

717 14th Street, N.W.
Suite 900
Washington, DC  20005

202-727-3600 ▪ Phone
202-727-0427 ▪ Confidential fax

File a Confidential Report